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15 Best Foods to Eat for an Upset Stomach (Plus, 6 to Avoid)

Starclean Cleaning Service Tallahassee > News > 15 Best Foods to Eat for an Upset Stomach (Plus, 6 to Avoid)
  • July 21, 2022

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Tummy troubles due to overindulging, stress or a nasty bug can strike at any given moment. It’s uncomfortable enough dealing with bowel issues, but darting to the nearest bathroom every few hours (okay, sometimes even minutes!) can be annoying, if not downright embarrassing. And nausea, cramping or other stomach discomfort is equally miserable.

As an overall rule, it’s best to stick with bland foods when your digestive system is off, says Jaclyn London, M.S., R.D., C.D.N.. Most people know to steer clear of triggers like dairy, sugar, fatty treats and alcohol, but the synthetic sugars found in ultra-processed foods (they often end with “-ol,” like sorbitol and xylitol) can also spell trouble.

When your tummy is queasy, keep in mind these feel-better tips from Jessica Stamm, MS, RDN, a registered dietitian nutritionist in California:

  • Shoot for smaller snack-like meals about every three hours. “This will help you avoid eating too much in one sitting, which can trigger your stomach to feel even worse, and it also helps prevent nausea from lack of fuel,” Stamm says.
  • Stay hydrated. Avoid sugary beverages. If plain H20 doesn’t excite you, try freezing ice cubes with a bit of ginger or mint, or sip on decaf tea.
  • Keep a handle on stress; it may contribute to stomach upset and heighten medical causes like IBS.
  • Keep a food journal: If you find that more and more of your days are consumed with tummy issues, try keeping a food journal to help find triggers and consult your doctor and/or a registered dietitian, says Stamm.

    And if you’re taking antibiotics or just finished a round of them, “it can be a good idea to incorporate probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt or kefir into your diet, or start taking a probiotic supplement to help replenish the good bacteria in the gut that may have been wiped out from taking the medicine,” adds Stefani Sassos, MS, RDN, CSO, CDN, NASM-CPT, deputy director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Nutrition Lab.

      Here are some snacks and drinks that may heal an uneasy gut and bring you back to your “regular” state:

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“Kefir is a probiotic-rich, fermented milk drink that you can drink on its own or add to smoothies or other recipes, and it has a tart and tangy flavor, and a thin consistency,” says Sassos. “It provides a healthy dose of diverse probiotics, which can help balance the gut microbiome. It’s also been shown to support a healthy immune system and suppress viral infections.” This may alleviate some discomfort and help you feel better. Look for varieties that are low in sugar, as options with higher sugar may exacerbate symptoms.

Green beans

If you’re sticking to a bland diet or experiencing symptoms like diarrhea, raw vegetables can be difficult to digest. But plain boiled vegetables, specifically ones like green beans, may be easier for your system to process, and they’ll provide a dose of nutrients your body needs to function well and fight off what’s plaguing you, Sassos says.


“Applesauce is an awesome aid to get your stomach back in working order,” says Stamm. It’s easy to digest but still delivers important nutrients like pectin (a type of fiber) and potassium, a mineral that functions as an electrolyte to help keep fluid levels balanced.


Cooked carrots are a great way to boost nutrition and flavor when your menu is limited. “Cooking vegetables like carrots or spinach makes them easier to digest, and they’re perfect in egg scrambles or broth-based soups,” Stamm says.

White rice

Now’s the time to lean in to your love for white rice. “You may be wired to go for whole grain, high fiber options when it comes to carbs — but trust me when I say that gentle is best when your tummy is uneasy,” Stamm says. Since it’s low in fiber, white rice is easy to digest, and its starchy quality may help turn loose stools into firmer ones.


Getting a bit of protein is important, even when you’re feeling icky, but reach for things like chicken or fish, which are easier to digest and prepared plainly compared to fattier red meat. “Unseasoned proteins can be a good addition to your plain white rice or a baked sweet potato,” Stamm says.


“Bananas are great because they’re easy to digest and considered non-irritating for the stomach and upper gastrointestinal tract,” says Julie Upton, M.S., R.D., co-founder of Appetite for Health. The high-fiber fruit not only keeps the system regular and aids in recovering from diarrhea, but the vitamin B6 also reduces bloating caused by fluid retention and the magnesium helps to relax muscles.

White Toast

While it may seem counterintuitive, keeping your belly empty when feeling queasy can create more nausea because there’s nothing in the system to absorb stomach acid. Upton suggests nibbling on white toast or soda crackers every few hours since the starches from these simple carbohydrates “lack fiber, protein and fat — all of which slow digestion and sit in your stomach longer.”

Upton’s top two choices belong to the BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce and dry toast) diet, “the clinical diet plan registered dietitians use when patients have acute diarrhea or nausea.”


“High-fat sources of protein like processed or red meats and fried food can cause reflux — especially if you’re consuming large amounts late at night,” London says. “Eggs are an easier-to-digest alternative and an easy way to meet your protein needs without getting too full, too fast.” She recommends scrambling them with a drizzle of cooking oil or butter for a light dinner when you need something simple.


Adding whole grains can both soothe tummy ailments and prevent any future intestinal issues. “Soluble fiber from oats draws water into your digestive tract and moves food through your body,” London says. Aim to hit at least 25 to 35 grams of total fiber per day, but don’t overdo it. “Both hunger and overeating can make nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, and gas even worse,” she adds.


Prebiotic foods — produce, whole grains, pulses, nuts and seeds — can help “fuel” friendly gut bacteria in your GI tract, London explains. By stimulating that “microbiota,” prebiotics boost intestinal immunity and prevent inflammation, diarrhea, and other GI problems, according to 2013 research by the Institute of Food Technologists. Stock up on tomatoes, chicory, onions, asparagus, and wheat for the best benefits.

Sweet Potatoes

Foods that are rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium also reduce belly bloat by balancing out sodium. Plus, research has linked diets high in these nutrients with smaller waists in those genetically predisposed to carrying weight in their midsections. Add yams, avocados, oranges and spinach to your repertoire to help bust bloating.


Ginger tea, ginger supplements, ginger lozenges — ginger has been shown in some studies to help alleviate nausea and vomiting,” Upton says. “In fact, it is often recommended for morning sickness and for chemotherapy-induced nausea.”

Just one word of caution: “While it’s safe for adults, ginger should not be used to treat a child’s gastrointestinal illness,” she adds.


Upset tummies often result from getting a little backed up. And since dehydration frequently causes constipation, sipping unsweetened beverages like tea, sparkling H2O and the occasional diet soda can keep everything moving along. Most people need a minimum of eight cups per day.


If you know your tummy troubles stem from constipation, London also recommends drinking a cup of joe first thing in the morning. Research has shown that caffeine plus coffee’s plant-based antioxidants can help you stay regular. Avoid caffeinated beverages if you’re sensitive, or feeling nausea or reflux unrelated to constipation.

Foods to Avoid

You may be craving comfort foods, but we’re not advising you to eat french fries when your tummy hurts. Just like some foods can help with stomach upset, there are also certain foods that may make things worse. Steer clear of these foods when you have an upset stomach:

  • Fried foods
  • Fatty/greasy foods
  • Spicy foods
  • Acidic foods
  • Sugary/artificially sweetened foods
  • Alcohol

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